The objective of this study was to develop a mix, named herein ThinGap 9.5 mm, with reacted and activated rubber (RAR), with identical or superior performance attributes of a normal asphalt rubber gap graded mix to resist surface torsional forces but that could be used in very thin lifts just like an Open Graded Asphalt rubber mix.
It was also an objective of the study to insure that reflective cracking resistance was maximized without compromising rut resistance. This objective was achieved after a guided trial an error process that led to the optimization of a gradation that could incorporate about 9.5% to 10% binder content, of which about 45% would be RAR.
It was demonstrated that the asphalt mixtures ThinGap 9.5 mm with RAR used in this study, exhibit an excellent rut resistance, fatigue lives about one hundred times those of regular mixes, all without decreasing water resistance, or Cantabro wear.